• Enquiries: 01388 775508 • Box Office: 03000 269524 • Charity Number: 1197045 •
Everyone is welcome to come along to BATS, yes, even you! We've put together a few frequently asked questions below and when you're ready, send us an email or send us a message on Facebook.
We can't wait to meet you!
Who can join?
Our only requirement for joining Bishop Auckland Theatre Society is that you must be at least 16 years old. You don't need any previous experience, we don't hold joining auditions, and we'll just have a quick chat to make sure that we're the right club for you.
Does it cost a lot?
£20 per year. That's it.
We don't charge weekly fees, audition fees, or show fees and we'll provide the vast majority of your props and cosutmes.
Where do you meet?
All of our rehearsals are at the Randolph Community Centre in Evenwood where we can be found on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings from 7:00pm.
What's expected of me?
All we ask is that you are actively involved and committed to the production you're working on - we're all volunteers here and everyone pitching in really helps.